We are creative craftsmen who are committed to creating every day Unique and Original works, revealing Italian inspiration and ingenuity. Our Italian artisans are excellent masters in ancient crafts and equipped with ancient wisdom they are committed to spreading the love for art and craftsmanship every day in a traditional way. All this requires a great commitment with a constant search for new ideas and Collaboration. Through cultural exchanges they also experiment with new techniques.

In a world dominated more and more by the virtual and the technological it becomes useful today more than ever to create a strong union between the ancient and the modern in order to rediscover the ancient knowledge to the new generations! If you too want to propose an ancient profession or if you have always done it Write and we will be happy to give all the space it deserves.

I nostri Artigiani they combine love and passion in their creations and often organize Courses to learn the basic techniques so that everyone's ideas can be realized and concretized. They are held at our headquarters, in schools, associations and creative spaces.

All this pays homage to the creativity of each of us and re-evaluating them Ancient Craftsmanship they give every day pleasant moments dedicated to their own creative flair, helping to create a more beautiful world. If you also want to participate in ours projects write to email...

In a world dominated by stress and a hectic everyday life, with a few moments of serenity, dedicating a few hours to our relaxation by creating small masterpieces is worth doing! If you too have creative passions and would like to try others or simply want to propose yoursTecniche now you can do it by making our group participate,write for more information.

Look the Gallery were we are

Courses to learn

Courses On line

Courses on Line

l'Arts of -Quilling Art

Courses of Lace

Courses of Croket

Courses of knitting

Courses of Rings

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